Rainbow Bridge


A Tribute to Pets Who Have Passed Away

In Memory of  Frisco Humane Adopted 16 year old Maddie Lucy Kitty Cat

Maddie Lucy

2007-2023 - 16 years old
Maddie Lucy was born in March of 2007, but it wasn't until she was rescued and then adopted by her person, Melissa from Frisco Humane Society in February of 2008, that she really got to enjoy her best cat life. Lucy, as her best friend called her, was a precious kitty cat that added so much to her home. She passe crossed the rainbow in July of 2023.  She was blessed duing her 16 years to have such a wonderful home. Lucy is dearly missed and will always be remembered by all who were lucky enough to get to love her as she loved them.



2010-2023 - 13 years old
March 17, 2023, I said goodbye to my dog, Campbell.  He had been struggling the past several weeks with arthritis and mobility in his back legs. I had been giving him pain meds and steroids for weeks to help give him some more time. But starting last Wednesday, Campbell was no longer able to stand on his back legs and it hurt him when I had to help him to get him to go outside or to move him from one spot to another.

I rescued Campbell and his sister from a local animal shelter to save them both from euthanasia and to foster them to help them find their forever homes when they were only 3 months old in 2010.

Campbell was always guarded with new humans, especially adult males, and he decided who he wanted to trust and who he accepted into his pack. Once you earned his approval and trust, he was loving and affectionate and loved to give you kisses. He was always comfortable with my family and my kids.
Campbell was adopted out twice and returned both times. He was returned because they said he was too scared and kept hiding. Both times, he liked the kids in the family but was afraid of the adults. He would hide under the bed and behind the couch both times he was adopted.
Campbell made it clear that he was choosing us as his family and he didn't want anyone else. After his second adoption failure, I decided it wasn't fair to Campbell to keep trying to adopt him out and put him under the stress and anxiety of not feeling comfortable with anyone but my family so he lived out his life with us.
Campbell was a great snake hunter. He was also a good mentor for Sugar when I adopted her and for other foster pups I had over the years. In all the years I had him, he never got sick or gave me any reason to take him to the vet, other than his annual exam and vaccinations. He was an easy keeper and a happy dog.
I will miss him very much. But, I know he is no longer struggling or hurting. We brought him home and buried him.
RIP my sweet boy! We love and miss you,
Your Mom


2009 - 2023

Dottie's little heart just gave out. She had so many issues when she walked out into the street with a dirty diaper that was duct taped on her, that April Fool’s Day, 2021…..A broken back that looked like it healed on its own; heartworms and intestinal worms; a grade 5/6 heart murmur; several worn and broken teeth; a mass on her back and mammary tumors; UTI; anemia; and possible pyometra so she needed to be spayed.  Frisco Humane Society took her on even though they were told she wouldn't live but a few months.  She received tender loving care and the much needed medical care to live her best life for her last 21 months.  She was a happy little girl that loved squeaky toys, delicious treats and playing soccer (not fetch).



Chiquita, the Chicken Eater

Chiquita was picked up by Animal Control after she had been hit by a car.  She had a microchip, so the shelter called her owner and told them what had happened.  They didn’t come get her.  After her hold time was up, the shelter didn't want to euthanize her so 3/30/2011, they called Frisco Humane Society to take her and get her the vet care she needed. Her pelvis was broken and tail was damaged. She was pregnant but her puppies didn’t survive. She would walk on her front paws with her hind legs in the air. She was put in the adoption program but looked over for so many years.  I think, she loved her foster home and I know they loved her.  Recently, she developed kidney disease. She lived a happy life until her body said, enough.  Chiquita was a good girl.


6/1/04 - 01/19/21

Murphy lived a full life in a loving home.  He was rescued from the Arlington Shelter as a young adult with a puppy spirit.  Immediately, he was adopted into his forever home with Joel, Patrick and furrfriend, Daisy. ~FHS

After almost 15 ½ years, we had to say goodbye to Murphy.  He was always entertaining, always happy to see you no matter how long or short you were gone.  He was always loyal and always loved.  When he was slipping away last Thursday, the in-home hospice veterinarian said a comforting prayer for him and I thought it was worthy to share with you all. Rest in peace Murphy…I look forward to seeing you again. ~Joel

A Prayer for Murphy

Father, we come to you today with tears and broken hearts.  But before anything else we want to say, thank you.  Thank you for Murphy--For all of the wonderful years and all of the joy.  Thank you for the love he showed us and the love he allowed this family to show him.  In our pets, we get a tiny glimpse of a simple, direct, uncomplicated, unconditional kind of love that no person is even capable of giving us and that we'll never truly know this side of heaven.

But this is the day we give him back to you.  You created him perfect.  You put him into this family -- Exactly where he was supposed to be.  So we believe that in his perfection, he can stand in Your perfect presence and through Your grace and Your Son, someday we will get there too and we will get to see him again.

Also, we come today with a request.  We don't expect the tears just to dry up or the broken hearts just to heal because that's not the way this world works.  But we ask that you would come and reach deep down below the tears, deeper than the cracks and the breaks in our hearts, down to that place inside that only You can touch.  Just give us a sense of peace that it will be okay.  Just be with us and remind us that You are with us. Remind us that You love us even on the worst day.  When the pain is overwhelming and the hurt inside is such that we don't know even what we're going to do with it.  You are still there and You are still loving us.  Amen


Dallas, the Gentle Giant

With great sorrow and broken hearts, we had to let Dallas go to the Rainbow Bridge this evening. The surgery was not a success....his intestines were leaking fluid with bacteria. He wasn’t responding to the meds. We didn’t want him to suffer any longer and the veterinarians said they were no other options for him. Dallas was a sweet soul and will be greatly missed by his foster mom and dad. He was very comforted this evening to have his bed at the ER and to see his foster mom and dad. Thank you for your thoughts, prayers and donations.

Sweet Boy Chandler

Chandler was the first born of 12 puppies in the litter. They were born on New Years Eve, 12/31/18. He was a very sweet and loving boy. His foster mom, Julie, loved him very much. He will be very missed.
Chandler was on a trial adoption with his potential forever family, when he accidentally got out the door. Tragically, Chandler was hit by a car and succumbed to his injuries. We appreciate all of the Good Samaritans that stopped to render him aid and who tried to save him. We are very grateful that he did not pass on his own and that he had caring individuals with him who tried to comfort and help him.



2006 - 2016

Buddy, our long term foster, went to the Rainbow Bridge on November 3rd, 2016. He suffered from diabetes and IBD which didn't respond to treatment. Buddy was possibly the sweetest, most gentle cat anyone could hope to meet. He LOVED giving kisses. He loved cuddling. He loved thanking his mom or dad for everything with head butts. Buddy never met another cat or dog he didn't like. He radiated love. He was love.

He never complained during any medical treatment. Never fought back. He was the perfect patient. As long as he felt loved he accepted what was happening to him.  It was a hard, actually heartbreaking decision to let him go. His quality of life wasn't good. His illness wasn't kind, wasn't fair.  He may not have been adopted, but he had a home. He was loved (very, very much!) And he is missed, painfully so.

Goodbye for now sweet angel.  We will most certainly meet again.  Mama looks forward to your kisses and cuddles. RIP my love.

Apollo 6/22/2006 - 5/26/2016

Long-term FHS Foster Dog went to the Rainbow Bridge on May 26th.

To my beloved Apollo:

I remember like it was yesterday when I rescued you in May 2007. A plea went out to the D/FW animal rescue network begging someone to rescue you. I remember a picture of this pitiful puppy that looked so sad, starved and in pain. You had been found by a Good Samaritan in the road and taken to the local animal shelter. And like so many other unfortunate animals, your owner knew you were injured and at the shelter but they refused to come and reclaim you. But that was to my benefit because you came in to my life and graced me with your presence as a result.

There you were in this picture from the shelter - a poor, pitiful, emaciated, green snotty-nosed, black, pit bull mix puppy who had been hit by a car with a broken leg and broken jaw. Given that you were a black dog, a pit bull mix and injured, your chances of making it out of the shelter alive were very unlikely. But the picture of your sweet, angelic face tugged at my heart strings and I knew I had to rescue you so you could have a better life and so you could know what love, compassion and family were all about. Fortunately, I volunteer with a rescue group that has great volunteers and financial supporters that give me the means and the funds to save an animal with known medical issues and one that would require extended medical care.

I spent weeks caring for you and taking you to the vet for multiple visits and treatments. And despite your injuries you were a happy and joyful pup. You slowly gained weight, a shiny coat, and grew big and strong. Unfortunately, as the months went by your leg healed crooked and so did your jaw. The vet said that he didn’t think surgery was an option to fix your leg. Your crooked leg didn’t seem to bother you at all or slow you down so we were advised to leave it as it was and we could amputate later on down the road if it became a problem. Fortunately, we never had to amputate your leg.

Apollo_1 (2)
Apollo_1 (2)

Unfortunately, after waiting months for you to heal from your injuries, you started having seizures from your head injury and eventually had to take seizure medication twice a day. At Adopt-A-Pet events, every one fell in love with you until they found out about your seizures and daily medication.
Due to your seizures, you became a hard to adopt dog and lived your life with me as my long term foster dog and part of my pack and family. You willingly accepted all new animals in to our pack – feline or canine. You used to let my foster kittens and puppies climb, bite, and play all over you. You were always my stable, confident, reliable dog that I used to introduce new, nervous and/or unstable dogs into our pack. You were always sweet, reliable, calm, trustworthy, and constant no matter what the situation. And, you graciously accepted my children into our pack after they were born and treated them as one of your own.

No matter where I took you, you made yourself at home and made everyone fall in love with you. I couldn’t take you anywhere without people wanting me to stop so they could meet you and love on you. You would sit on strangers’ laps and give anyone a kiss. You were always the star of the show no matter where we were.

You also became the rescue mascot on our FHS banners, brochures and signs. You represented us on television shows like For the Love of Dogs and Good Morning Texas. You were also the Kissing Booth dog at our annual Barktoberfest events.

You were a shining example of what a “bully” breed has the potential to be and can be. You were a regal and majestic dog and were an Ambassador for Pitbull mixes everywhere. You represented this breed with love, courage, loyalty and grace.

When I have questioned my struggles and burdens in life, my friends always tell me that God puts the most on those individuals he believes are strong enough and that can handle it. Well, you certainly didn’t deserve a lifetime of seizures, but God obviously knew you were strong enough to bear that burden and you did so with poise and grace. I was helpless during your seizure episodes and all I could do was wait with you, make sure you didn’t hurt yourself, and clean you up when they were over. We spent many long and sleepless nights together but I wouldn’t trade any of those nights since it allowed me to spend 9 years with an incredible dog like you.

Last Wednesday, May 25th, was our last sleepless night together. Your seizure episode that night was unlike all your other ones and you eventually became unresponsive and didn’t recover from it. The vets did their best to try and help you recover but they had to assume that maybe you had some other underlying issues that made this seizure episode different from all the rest. So, helpless and not wanting you to suffer further, I made the heart breaking decision to let you go on Thursday, May 26th.

I know you are now seizure free and youthful again while you wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge with our other pack members that have preceded you. I, my children and the rest of our pack will miss you dearly.

I will love you always and forever!!

With a broken and aching heart,

Your Mom

Fannie Passed Away 5/24/16

We are sad to tell you that Fannie, one of our longtime older girls, has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Rescued four years ago from a local shelter, Fannie was estimated to be nine years old. Her coat was matted & she was extremely malnourished & heart worm positive. She had little to no chance of being adopted in her heartbreaking condition. Our thought is that Fannie had been someone's yard dog, neglected & deprived of proper care and love for years.

After her rescue, we gave Fannie time to gain her strength and a few pounds.  She was then treated for heartworms & spayed. Fannie eventually gained a much needed 30 pounds. She took to being an inside dog with caution but eventually would only go outside when it was absolutely necessary. Although she was never adopted she was loved. Fannie's home was where her heart was and she showed her gratitude and love by being the most devoted foster dog her foster mom ever had.

Fannie, you will be missed, but at the Rainbow Bridge, you will be young & strong again.

Fannie Passed Away 5/24/16

We are sad to tell you that Fannie, one of our longtime older girls, has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Rescued four years ago from a local shelter, Fannie was estimated to be nine years old. Her coat was matted & she was extremely malnourished & heart worm positive. She had little to no chance of being adopted in her heartbreaking condition. Our thought is that Fannie had been someone's yard dog, neglected & deprived of proper care and love for years.

After her rescue, we gave Fannie time to gain her strength and a few pounds.  She was then treated for heartworms & spayed. Fannie eventually gained a much needed 30 pounds. She took to being an inside dog with caution but eventually would only go outside when it was absolutely necessary. Although she was never adopted she was loved. Fannie's home was where her heart was and she showed her gratitude and love by being the most devoted foster dog her foster mom ever had.

Fannie, you will be missed, but at the Rainbow Bridge, you will be young & strong again.

Ribbons Left Us 5/11/15

REST IN PEACE RIBBONS. We will see you at the Rainbow Bridge some day. Yesterday we said goodbye to one of our sweet and elderly foster dogs, RIBBONS. Even though Ribbons never found her forever home, we are thankful that she was able to live out her remaining years with her foster mom who loved her very much. Rest in peace Miss Ribbons, we will miss you! Thank you Kellie for saving this sweet girl and letting her know what love and compassion was all about for the remainder ...of her years.

Ribbons was rescued by her Frisco Humane Society foster mom from a local shelter due to a neglect case. Here was her story "Ribbons is a very cute little 10 pound mini Dachshund with Yorkie hair. She does not shed, crate trained, housetrained, and is just pure sweetness. She is estimated to be 12-13 years old. Ribbon's requires daily medication twice daily due to diabetes. She is also is sight impaired. Ribbons was taken from her owner by animal control due to severe neglect. Ribbons deserves the good life with someone who will treat her well, give her medication twice daily, and who will appreciate a wonderful canine companion."


Sweet Shasta

***Farewell sweet SHASTA, may you rest in peace.***
You were a very sweet little girl who deserved more in life but now you are no longer in pain. Your foster mom loved you very much and will dearly miss you. It was very difficult but she thought of your needs first and made the difficult but compassionate decision to let you go. Your foster mom will be looking for you at the Rainbow Bridge one day to reunite with you. RIP sweet little girl. frown emoticon

Shasta was rescued from the euthanasia list at a local shelter a few weeks ago. She was on the euthanasia list because she had a seizure. FHS rescued her and found out she suffered from water on the brain which is common in Chihuahua puppies.  At first, she responded to the medication but her condition slowly started to deteriorate this past week.  Shasta went into having cluster seizures and wasn't coming out of the seizures.   March 6, 2015, she was suffering so the hard decision was made to let her go.  Shasta was just a puppy.

Jewels Passed Away 2/9/15

Jewels was a sweet and precious young lady. We believe she was one of the sweetest cats in the whole world. She suddenly became very ill and had to be euthanized because she was suffering. Rest in peace sweet girl!


Amber Passed Away May 7th, 2014

Amber was a wonderful and sweet little girl. From her mom, "I did not have Amber quite 4 years, but it felt like so many more. She traveled with us, and brought us so much joy and love!!! She followed me EVERYWHERE and did not let me out of her sight! I miss her!" - Laurie Hammeke. Rest in peace sweet little girl.

Crissy Passed Away March 31, 2014

Crissy was a very sweet girl and she will be missed very much. Crissy tested positive for FIP and the decision was made to have her euthanised so that she would not suffer. Rest in peace Crissy.


Jennie Passed Away March 27, 2014

Jennie was a wonderful lady who was really dealt a bad hand in life. Over the years, Jennie had a leg amputated, was treated for heartworms and was most recently diagnosed with breast cancer.

Despite her rough life, Jennie was full of love and was a very happy girl. She was able to live out the last few years of her life with a wonderful foster mom and dad who loved her very much and and treasured her every day.

Jennie passed away 3/27/2014, at 5:45pm from metastasized breast cancer. Such a daddy's girl!  Peace to sweet Jennie Miller.

Jasper Passed Away November 29, 2013

Jasper came live with me on July 29, 2012. He was absolutely the sweetest and funniest dog I have ever had the pleasure of fostering.

Rest in peace sweet Jasper!


Willow Died July 6th, 2012

While FHS hopes for happy endings to all our rescues, often there is nothing more we can do to help, especially the littlest ones. One of our newest foster moms, Lisa, now knows this all too well. This tiny kitten was Willow, Lisa's foster, fondly known as Fluffball. Lisa did all she could, but sadly Willow did not make it today. Lisa - know that Willow was so grateful for all you did, and the love you gave her in her short life.

Sadly, there are so many stories like this of tiny kittens who have lost their birth mothers for whatever reason, and at a time when the mother is crucial in a kitten's survival. All this can be prevented with a simple spay and neuter.

Rest in Peace, Willow...

Bodie October 16, 2001 - March 27, 2012, Passed Away from Heart Failure

Bodie was a long time Frisco Humane foster dog. I loved him as my own. He was a Chihuahua/Dachshund Mix. He was a happy boy that loved to go on car rides, sit on your lap and give lots of kisses. He did get to live as an adopted dog the last few months of his life where he received special treatment and loads of love. My heart breaks and I miss him terribly ~Vicki


Bottle Baby Kittens

rescued from Arlington Shelter
March 2012
All passed away from Pan Leuk


2005 - February 14th, 2012 (Osteosarcoma)
Dutchess was an ex-Frisco Humane foster dog. She was dumped on one of our volunteers at their place of business in 2007, heartworm positive, mange, fearful. She was nursed back to health and adopted in 2008. She was a wonderful, sweet dog with a gentle spirit - she will be missed



Queenie passed away January 20th, 2012

Frisco Humane rescued Queenie from a shelter but sadly lost her due to advanced heart failure as a result of heartworm infestation. She deserved better.


A Poem About FiFi

FiFi’s Dad and Mom
Searched for the perfect poodle on Petfinder.Com

Baby FiFi had quite the story to tell……
She and her two pups (Lexi and Jacques) were rescued from a backyard breeder and were not well.

Mary Jane from the Frisco Humane Society nursed them back to health…
With shelter and kisses…they were given great wealth…
Lexi was adopted…the three then became two and stayed with Mary Jane…

But, when Melissa and George met them…it became clear…

That these two pups would have their forever home with them and would become so dear!

Melissa’s Mom Cissie fell in love with the two…

They would spend every weekend with her. She would feed them treats and teach them how to dance…

Oh, how that FiFi loved to prance!


Another poodle pup came to the house…Her name was Sugar, she was blind and alone.
George and Melissa exclaimed…Let’s give her a home!

Later that Spring, it was clear FiFi was not well…
She went to the vet and initially they could not tell…
What was wrong with Fifi…They tried and tried.
It was discovered she had meningitis, as they told George and Melissa, they sighed and cried.

Treatments and medicine were given and FiFi was cared for and cherished.
But, in the end, precious FiFi perished.

Before FiFi went to heaven, an abandoned dog came to the house from Highway 82.
Discarded and unloved, he became a Pauksta dog too!
George named him Leo and
the Pauksta household still has a trio!

FiFi taught us about unconditional love and grace while suffering…
All the while, the angels were hovering.
Rescue dogs are precious and they give and give…
All they want is to love and be loved and in a forever home to live!


Boomer was a Frisco Humane foster dog in January 2011. He was a Great Pyrenese (or mix) and he was diagnosed with distemper after about 3 weeks of varying symptoms. We did all we could to save him but it was eventually kinder to let him go.

Rest in Peace, Boomer
You were a great puppy